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Consent for Learner Involvement

Juniper Midwives is a learning space committed to reconciliation through the mentorship of Indigenous Birthworkers* and Student Midwives**. By completing this consent, you agree to allowing our learners to observe your midwifery team in clinical settings and participate in your care where clinically safe and appropriate to do so. All of our learners adhere to strict policies of medical confidentiality, and only participate within their scope of care under the close supervision of your midwifery team.


Informed consent is a pillar of midwifery care, and your experience of your pregnancy, birth and postpartum care are very important to us. Your consent may be withdrawn or modified at any time, and your consent will always be requested and respected for any and each clinical interaction.


Our learners have been selected thoughtfully and intentionally by Juniper Midwives and are considered valued and integral additions to our team.


*Indigenous Birthworkers (Aunties) provide emotional, cultural and social supports to pregnant people and their families (much like a "doula"). They do not participate medically in client care, but may observe clinical care.  All Indigenous clients who consent to learner involvement are eligible to receive Indigenous Doula/Auntie support via our Indigenous Birthworker Strategy at no cost. 

**Student Midwives are practicum students enrolled in an accredited University Bachelor of Midwifery education program. They are university-trained in midwifery skills and able to participate medically in client care at a client and midwife's discretion based on their skill level.


To learn more about our Indigenous Birthworker Strategy/Aunties Program please visit:  


To learn more about our current Student Midwife please visit: 




Please complete the fields below and sign before your upcoming appointment with your midwife.

I have read and understand the information provided to me about the learners who may be involved in my care at Juniper Midwives. I consent to learner involvement in my care, and undestand that I can withdraw or modify my choice at any time.
I have questions regarding learner particiption in my care that I agree to ask my midwife at our next scheduled appointmet
I agree to inform my midwife if I no longer feel comfortable with an individual or any learner's participation in my care.
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